Linggo, Setyembre 25


Most of the people in most of the countries are poor and we must accept that once a family turns poor, they cannot come out of this poverty and their generations shall have to suffer poverty.  The poor people shall not be able to bring suitable persons.  The children shall not get proper education, they shall not get proper training and that is the reason they shall never be adjusted at proper work.  They shall never be earning proper income and that is the reason they too shall not be able to give proper education, training and adjustment to their children.  So if poverty comes once in the family, it becomes difficult to write off poverty from that family and even the state or social service units shall not be able to bring these people out of poverty because they are giving to the people just first aid service and nothing more.  Even in India, the state and the social service organizations could not give proper aid to the people because it is better to give to a begger the art of catching a fish than giving him a fish in charity. And no one is interested to write off poverty from the people.
                   The people who are poor must try to see that their children should not suffer the same poverty which they had been suffering and therefore, they must start working on their children.  They must see that the number of children should be within limits and they must see that each child is brought up properly, given proper education and proper training and only hen that child shall be able to be adjusted at a proper work from where he or she shall be drawing proper income with which  he or she shall be able to maintain family.  Atleast two generations shall have to work like this and only then there could be a way out and if they do not understand this process, these poor people shall never allow their children to come out of poverty and poverty shall be written in their fate for ever.  The state and the social service organizations are committing fraud with the people when they give them small aids and nothing more.  The people must see that they start writing the fate of their children with their own hands and for the time being, they must forget that there is God and He shall listen to their prayers.  They must take the work in their own hand and this is  the only way out.;

Martes, Setyembre 20

this is it..:))

long distance relationship

"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

Lunes, Setyembre 19